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Carlo Galli 100days (2)
Smartgyro WriterJul 30, 2024


Smartgyro has experienced significant growth lately, so we took the opportunity to pause and reflect on the progress made through the eyes of Smartgyro’s new CEO, Carlo Galli Tognota, after his first 100 days in the role.

100 Days In And Looking Ahead

“These past 100 days have been marked by learning, innovation and a deep appreciation for the inspiring Smartgyro team, our extensive dealer network and our valued customers that have contributed to Smartgyro’s success. This period also coincides with a significant milestone in our company's history – our 10th anniversary!”


“I am more optimistic than ever about Smartgyro’s future. The 10-year anniversary is not just a time to look back and celebrate our achievements but also an opportunity to chart a bold course for the next decade and beyond. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of gyro stabilization technology, setting new standards for innovation and quality as well as continuing to spread our 'Feel the Magic' message far and wide.”


Ambitious Plans for the Future

“Our plans for the upcoming years are pretty ambitious following a period of rapid growth” Carlo explains. “We are in the process of expanding our product portfolio to meet market demand and cater to the needs of boatbuilders, shipyards and end-users. Special new features for our gyroscopes are under development to support the company’s upward trajectory and fulfil our predicted double-digit annual growth. Additionally, Smartgyro plans to expand further and strengthen its distributor and dealer network to support the increasing global demand for our gyroscopes.”


Talented Team

Recognizing the team’s role in Smartgyro’s success, Carlo highlights:

"I’m confident that our ambitious plans can be realised with such a talented team behind us. I have personally witnessed the skills and commitment of our employees which provide a very solid base for future growth.” - Carlo acknowledges - “Getting to know the team behind Smartgyro’s success these past 100 days has been a privilege. Their passion and commitment have fostered a positive working environment, making leading this team a rewarding experience."

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"The progress in our design and production departments has significantly boosted sales. It’s essential that each department operates optimally to meet demand while continuously striving for improvement. Effective communication and cohesive teamwork are imperative for achieving these goals."


Advice for Aspiring Leaders

Reflecting on his journey to becoming Smartgyro’s CEO, Carlo offers advice to aspiring leaders in the marine industry:

"A solid educational background and diverse industry experience—from technical roles to sales and distribution — are crucial. International business exposure is also valuable for understanding diverse market needs and expectations."


“To conclude, I’m optimistic that my personal values — maintaining ethical standards, integrity, and fostering a positive work culture — are shared across Smartgyro," Carlo concludes. "Our customer-centric approach ensures we not only meet but exceed customer expectations in product support and development. After 100 days at the helm of Smartgyro, I’m confident this approach is deeply ingrained in our company's values."­­